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Volume 48, Issue 4 JulyIAugust 2 004 feline Conservation Federation Feline Conservation Federation This newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc. d/b/a/ as the Feline…

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…read an article in the Baltimore Sun Newspaper by Elizabeth Large that convinced me I needed to share what was on my mind. In this newspaper article, Elizabeth stated, “To…

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…3/15/66 – 8/12/66 Ruthe K. Miner’s lynx chaus kitten, domest ic born, is dead. He was pictured in the July Newsletter a s a n infant and, in the September…

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…MEETlNG Sunday9 November 14Â 1965 beginning a t 2:OO P.M. At: Bell Sound Studios9 237 W 54 St ree t9 NEW YORK, N. Y. ALL WELCOME, inc ludhg ca t…

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…Secretary: Mrs . Wilbur Murray, P Box 206, Amawak, New York during this month. Phone: 914 YOrktom Heights 2 4568 By Don L. Wllliams 21952 S. Hansom TOI-rance, Cal ifornia…

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…have appeared in major magazines, such as Newsweek, The New Yorker, Money, Connoisseur, Phsycholoqy Today, Sports Illustrated, Business Week and New Age. The advertisements feature high fashion models in photo-…

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…at rest stops. Conventions and branch meetings meant time to listen to the members, meet new cats, and accumulate pictures for future issues of the newsletters. As gov- ernment restrictions…

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…even have a copy of that epoch making newsreel. The cartoons I drew which appeared in the January Newsletter a r e the realizations of my nightmares. –ie interesting thing…

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…next Newsletter. POST MEETING NEWS: J im Soutter, Rye, N. Y. honed LIOC the evening of May 23 to report he had driven knowledge. “The veterinarian who is worthwhile will…

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