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Parasite Control Nearly all exotic ca t s captured in the wild a r e infes- ted with internal parasi tes? as are many born in captivity. A microscopic fecal

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…and her three infants fo r Carlot ta to see. By this she was decidedly Impressed. At the agricultural inspection between Arizona and Califor- nia, the officers carefully inspected each…

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…diet deficiencies. Deficiency Diseases “Many nutritional deficiencies, such as partial hungers a r e called, have no external symptom, althouKil they compromise health. Others reveal themselves openly a s typical

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…chick- en parts with Oasis vitamins and calci- um, and Mazuri dry kibble. The servals and caracal get additional stimulation when they are leashed up and taken for walks, or…

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…Jungle Cat came home. After settling down in her nursery, we took her to s ee Dr. Hunter a t Central Animal Hospital in Campbell, California. He examined her and…

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cared for and loved: of this fact there can be no doubt . The bond which existed between Catherine and Carlotta took many years t o grow, — there was…

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…Manotick, Ontario CAL-VAL– (Southern California Valley) Chuck & Harriet Leake, 4436 Ventura Canyon, Sher- man Oaks. Calif. 91403 EXOTIC CATS OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Mrs. Marian Allen, 123 Morningside Drive, Daly…

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…the cat by i ts pet nameaURotten Cat.” MIKE BALBO ad- mitted he, too, owns a “Rotten Cat. I t (Orden definition of a “Rotten Cat”:- an exotic that loves…

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…the clouded lepard had been carried out. Even today, many tropical cats’ food preferences are only sketchily known or althogether unknown. The clouded leopard once was thought to be a…

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…e legged margay from t h e Waco,Texas zoo. ROOT CANAL & CHEMICAL CAPPING ON MARGAYS Two o f my a d u l t margays had each broken o…

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