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…•Female sterilization: •Spay – ovariohysterectomy or removal of the female ovaries, oviduct, and uterus, and •Tubal ligation – or getting the tubes tied, oviduct (fallopian tubes) are cut, tied, cauterized…

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All Will Participate- in a l l aspects of the roundup not involving personal danger. This will include the phases of animal isolation, animal chase, animal handling and post-immobilization duties…

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…, P.O. Box 462 Angle ton , Texas 77515, (713) 849-5844 Submitting Mater ial fo r Publication Mater ial for publication in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be…

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…a g rea t deal. Also, the pain and swelling causes the mouth al-nost to lock. ” Z o r r o fought i t too long and’ folded almost…

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…levels of member- ship including commercial, education- al, facility, and individual. Accredita- tion is also available. P.O. Box 511275 Punta Gorda, FL 33951 [email protected] arrival. They loathe change, so…

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always difficult to find materi- al on the subject of exotic animal hus- bandry; it was almost Area 51 confiden- tial. All the material for the course was very insightful…

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…Club, 1454 Fleetwood Drive East, Mobile, Alabama 36605. The Long Island Ocelot Club is a non-profit, non- commercial club, international in membership, devoted to the welfare of ocelots and other…

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…fountain was shown by John Paramore. It can be connected to a hose or faucet; fresh water is obtained when the animal licks the apparatus. These a re very…

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…S h o t carin so- Bob Turner Tracy Wdson Barbara Wdton for contributions to this newsletter. This is YOUR newsletter. ALL contribution+new or old, long or short, technical or…

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…Te The Rhe Rhe Rhe Rhe Real “eal “eal “eal “eal “Animal Rights” PAnimal Rights” PAnimal Rights” PAnimal Rights” PAnimal Rights” People?eople?eople?eople?eople? Feline Conservation Federation, Inc. Volume 48, Issue 6—November/December…

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