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…Y. (near Buffalo) supplied nearly 200 area, 100 miles northeast of here, about 7500 ft. elevation s l ides showing Cleopatra, her ocelot, in various s tages of and have…

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…Art Mathews, Anaheim, California 6/10/59 – 1st litter 2 kits, Maja (f)* & 1 male, killed. 5/2/60 2nd ” 2 kits, Simba, Jr. died 4/1/65, Timba (m) died 10/60 11/20/60…

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…i column inch “Classified” 1 /2 page Full Page $100.00 Back Page $125.00 LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc. 4 Volume 43, Issue 4 – July/August, 1999 More Norman Antics…

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…or like feline. Unfortunately (mostly for Ocelots), the appeal to own such an animal has been largely popular with “idiots” whose only real desire in all probability is to get…

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…number must be stated in the ad. Display ads are $10 business card, $25.00 quarter page, $50.00 half page, $100 full page ad. Color ads available, contact Director of Advertising…

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…quite reluctant to leave the comfort of her Thunderbird. While she circulated freely, she objected strenuously as only a female ocelot just about getting over being in heat can do….

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Mrs. Harry G . Cisin (Editor), Amagansett, N Y 11930 Mrs. Wilbur Murray (Secretary). Amawalk. N. Y. 10501 Mrs. Betty Harr is (Sec Nor Calif) 205 Butler St, Milpitas, Cal….

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…page $25.00 1/2 page $50.00 Full Page $100.00 Back Page $125.00 Now Available LJOC Caging and Handling Guidelines 34 pages of practical tips and guidelines for proper caging and handling…

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…Florida, for safely r e – turning Lady Topaz, a pet margay belonging to Patr ic ia Bonneau, although one officer was severely bitten. The meeting adjourned and we returned…

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