Search Results: Human Design или Дизайн Человека Дизайн Человека это универсальный язык описания реальности консультации онлайн


…on the jaguar. Their book could well be called “The Complete Book of the Jaguar”. There is certainly no competitor for the title. While understandably basing their report on the…

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…eaten by humans come from German zoos and safari parks. They are surplus stock, unsellable due to too much breed- ing. More and more zoos seem to prefer not to…

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…no uniformity from state to state when in fact most exotic owners, weather public or private, commercial or non-commercial, large or small, generally obtain their animals on an interstate basis,…

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…the shop – come, come! You will see! ” Surprised, and not sure whether I had adequately communicated that we were only interested in live cats (finding a stuffed animal…

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…Medetomidine, in combination with he dissociativeanaesthetic, Ketamine hydrochloride, delivered with a Telinject air-compressed blowpipe. This drug combination was chosen because of the excellent reports in the literature (zoosandlor captive conditions)…

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…e e m s a good t ime t o call attention t o the fact that many of you have been wasting a precious commodity. Zoological Supply Company of…

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…11930. The Long Island Ocelot Club i s a non-profit, non-commercial club, inter- national i n membership, devoted to the welfare of ocelots and other “Exotic” felines. Reproduction of the…

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…shares some small cat characteristics. For example, it does not roar like the big cats, nor can it purr like the smaller cats. They make audible communication through a complex…

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…be picky and, because the world’s captive community is so limited, finding a compatible mate can be like dating in a very small town.” “The world’s captive community” of course…

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