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.I.O.C. Endangered Species Conservation Federation Incorporated. LD CONFERENCE Information about LIOC ESCF Inc. and this Newsletter. This newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation Incorporated. We…

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…the handler. They were then released to run down hares and roe-deer. An Englishman, Fynes Moryson, who visited Prague at the end of the 16th century, saw two tame cheetahs…

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…countries, Brazil being the largest supplier.) 14,244 Ocelot skins came from Peru, tout only 174 live ocelots were exported from Peru. My figures a r e authentic. I’ll be happy…

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…purpose of this newsletter is to present information about exotic feline conservation, management and ownership to our members. The material printed in this newsletter is contributed by our members and…

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…by Dr. Michael Balbo in LIOC Newsletters and in ESPECIALLY OCELOTS (Catherine Cisin), a s well a s elsewhere. Cheetah Runs Away (forever) “Police had to kill Jasper, the runaway…

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…dedication. Whether the reader agrees withhis methods or is shocked by his shenanagins, anyone who adores exotic cats should read this volume. The book is just fun to read. It…

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…Publication Material for publication in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i. e. by the 10th of the…

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…function. An elevation usually means that the liver cells are breaking down for some reason. The liver may be cancerous, have an infection w i t h i n it….

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…game. The breaking of house rules has consequences. The offender is banished to their room. Kira seldom breaks any rules because she really wants to be in the living room….

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…six squeeze cages LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation Inc. Volume 37 Issue 5 SeptemberIOctober 1993 Articles were read as follows: 1 . Larry Torland read’an article on Ear Mites, written…

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