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…their unique wildlife heritage. There are South Americans who love the natural beauties of their countries as passionately as Americans who thrill at the Grand Canyon. Argentina is already leading…

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…advances in felid nutrition, reproductive physiology, behavioral research and the world of the private sector in the field of research. FIELD RESEARCH– FOREMAN Although the theme of this workshop is…

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…Publication Material for publication in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i. e. by the 10th of the…

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…this issue of the Newsletter, these are readily available, — just drop a line to LIOC , Amagansett, N. Y. , GEORGE and RUTH LESKO, 528 Fifth Street, Brooklyn 15,…

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rugged mountains. For, in the long run, this terrain cannot support man or his domestic stock. Instead, emphasis should be placed on another support for the local population. If part…

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…exotic fel ines. Reproduction o f the material i n t h i s Newsletter may not be made without wr i t ten permission o f the authors and/or…

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…pre- sented. This illustration will reappear with the text of “THE SERVAL (Leptailurus serval) in the January Newsletter. — Editor LIOC Newsletter &̂ÂÂ¥ SERVAL (Leptailurus serva l ) TINKER BELLE’S…

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…and jaguar skins were imported by U. S. furriers. 115,485 ocelot skins were shipped from Peru, alone. (Skins were shipped to Peru f i rs t from eleven latin American

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…in Valley Stream, N. Y. 1. The heading of the Newsletter should again be r e – vised to read a t the heading “Long Island Ocelot Club!’with “Newsletter” beneath…

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