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…moved out. Panthers grow very rapidly, reaching a mature growth at about two years of age. Size and weight can vary greatly, from around 60 pounds to the official record…

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…pound cheetah. LANCELOT 10/60 – 10/1/65 This ocelot whose life was shared with Dion and Lora lee Vigne of San Fran- cisco, California was pictured on the cover of the…

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…We a r e the only ones who can give facts instead of fiction. It is the only way we can slowly but surely get the truth ac ross to…

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…Specify whether you want pin o r lapel buttoil. r * r u September 9, 2:00 PM ~ a i n or shine) You mustn’t be shocked! 2:00 P.M. may…

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…living. He shared the ea r ly par t of his live with “Butch” a 20 pound black Pers ian cat. After Butch died he graciously offered t o s…

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…P. Balbo (Art) 21-01 46 St., Long Island City, N. Y. 11105′ LAND OCELOT CLUB NEXT MEETING Sunday, November 10 2:30 P.M. Bell Sound Studios 237 W 54 Street (bet…

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…This is al l purely fiction – – Oc’lots real ly a r e swell? HOPE IT’S A GIRL! -0r- HUSBANDS SHOULD WEAK HALOS I wonder how I s tay…

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…kit, Saleur*(m) Rebel (1960) and Mr. Lovely (1960) – Mrs. Lydia Spor- leder, Wilson, New York 5/10/63 – 1 s t l i t ter 3 kits, 2(f), l(m), a…

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…is our columnist: (Tlalocelotl Tidbits). She is owned – – and we use the word unadvisedly – – jointly by Hank Frey , 87-10 34th Avenue, Jackson Heights, N. Y.,…

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