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…would prohibit individuals from using educational purposes as a means for obtaining a license for endangered animals. Additional rules would prohibit individuals porn obtaining permits to breed endangered species. Ken

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…needed more protected areas for all spotted cats. Dr. Jorqe Rabinovich stressed the general lack of information about Latin American cats and suqg- ested three critical categories: Ecoloqical information, which…

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…zoo. Sabastian, Promised Land’s male ser- val, is almost a year old. He was raised from a kitten by Laura and performs in the zoo’s live animal shows. Laura says…

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…others, and may require a commercial exhibitors’ license: Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi (bans large animals), Oklahoma (bans large animals), South Carolina (bans large animals), Tennessee (bans large animals) 15 states have…

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…i m comments: “Caligula often s t r ikes this regal pose around the house, but away f r o m home, he is the All-American boy. News from Around…

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…receive a state permit, as several states now work on a contingency basis which throws the initial burden of responsibility at the federal lev el. All were encouraqed to write…

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…tions Dick on the very capable way you have conducted all meetings. Every meeting has been very enjoyable with just enough business to know we a r e an official

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…Caligula and I have had several conversations lately and one bit of news he related t o m e real ly got m y dander up. There is a fellow,…

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…Newsletter and as usual enjoyed it very much. I am always impressed by the intelligent handling of all given situations. How oce- lot and margay owners t r y s…

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