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…with thicken– ing of all its tunics, especially the tunica muscularis and the retention of large quantities of fecal material which has become calcified. As I understand the situation, even

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…the studbook keepers concerning caracals. The Geoffroy’s Cat SES was also given the official green light from Alan to continue the defunct North American Geoffroy’s Cat Studbook and Alan has…

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…outdoors, to diet and nutrition, health care, handling techniques, kitten care, first aid, and managing contacts with regulatory agencies. Everything you can think of in the day to day care…

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…a g rea t deal. Also, the pain and swelling causes the mouth al-nost to lock. ” Z o r r o fought i t too long and’ folded almost…

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…to be fed and have their quarters cleaned. Travelling takes special arrangements. Two cannot wander freely about a car. One person cannot handle two at the same time with much…

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…our unique organization. curing the summer of 1955 Carlotta, then two months old, joined the Cisin household. Catherine found herself beseiged with problems, familiar to all new oce- lot owners,…

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…nine months old when this picture was taken. Jl se rved a s the inspiraiion in [hi: preparation of tlie LIOC decalcoinania. Roy attrndt~cl 1 ; ) and carefully watched…

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came back for me, were “loaded”. I was definitely not master, even of myself. So when Cather- ine offered me my favorite (she calls i t decrepit and fragrant) carr…

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…later. Respectfully submitted, Alyce Crafts Corresponding Secretary, CAL-VAL Branch of LIOC ANIMAL REGULATIONS 6- We have seen many regulations pass from pro- posal to law making exotic pets illegal. Early…

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