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…t r ibute a s though s h e is s t i l l alive. She will always live in and through me. To quickly displode the unlikely impression…

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…Species Conservation Federation Inc. This Newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation. Inc. We are a non- profit (Federal I.D. 59-2048618) non-commercial organization with international membership,…

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…ly from a le t ter which Mrs. Adamson has written to Mike? In Joy Adamson’s words, then: “I have arranged with the help of the World Wildlife Fund, 709…

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…Conservation Federation, Inc. We are a non-profit (Federal I.D. 59-2048618) non-commercial organization with international membership, devoted to the welfare of exotic felines. The purpose of this newsletter is to present…

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…r 01 his index to LIOC Newslet ters . -1- (Closeup of one of Baby’s kittens – See page 1. This tiny kitten will grow to be over 100 pounds)…

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…Conservation Federation, Inc. This Newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc. We are a non-profit (Federal I.D. 59-2048618) non-commercial organization with international membership, devoted to…

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the animal a s my words a r e pointless in changing the nature of his oppres- s o r – – both impossibilities. The following words w e r…

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…in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i.e. by the 10th of the even numbered months. Local groups…

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…l branch activities. STARS OF THE CAT WORLD This is Paper No. 6. in a ser ies describing the less familiar felines of the world By: Robert E. Baudy, Pres…

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…Comments on the newsletter, or particular articles are also welcome. Sell Yourself, Sell Your Products in the Newsletter Did you know that the LIOC ESCF newsletter accepts advertising from members?…

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