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…I Submittino Material for Publication I Material for publication in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i.e. by…

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…room.) By: Mrs. Don Kahl 5460 Manitou Road Littleton, Coloraflo (Inspired by two news items which appeared in the Rocky Mountain News under captions: “Satan The Leopard i s Gone;…

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newspaper i tem which does not get through to the reader . News report ing must be factual and readers ‘ conclusions a r e a s v a r…

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…of cat; names and addresses of all members, and six copies of the Newsletter per year. News from Around the Jungle EVE IS DEAD Even Newsletter readers who never saw…

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…“Exotic” felines. Reproduction of the mater ial in this Newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/ o r the copyright owner, LIOC. LIOC Staff: M…

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…m South of the Border i s no Ordinary Cat” Daily News-Record, Harr isonburg, Va. 9/18/58 MONTEZUMA (Merri l l ) – New York Journal-American, 10/10/58 News from Around the…

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…by Staten Island Zoo), September, 1958 MONTEZUMA (Merrill) “Caty-Cornered”, New York Daily News, 11/7/58 MONTEZUMA (Merrill) New York World Telegram, 11/6/58 SIMBA (Mathews) “This Fearless Pair Raise Ocelots” Daily News,…

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…not re- ceived a copy of the questionnaire that was a part of the September, 1960 Newsletter. This same questionnaire is enclosed only with the copies o r this Newsletter…

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