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…– relating, with rumina- tions and asides, a single performance of the Big Apple Circus on a summer evening in rural New Hampshire. Through every act within and above the…

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and secured with wire. Vflien designing runs, drainage should be such that it runs from the back or front of the cage (not throuqh another peniwhich could also spread disease)…

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…Material for Publication Material for publication in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i.e. by the 10th of…

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newspaper i tem which does not get through to the reader . News report ing must be factual and readers ‘ conclusions a r e a s v a r…

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…one years of newsletters. Of course from 1956 thru 1971 our Founder, Catherine Cisin was also our Editor. In 1972 Robert Peraner took over that chore until the newly formed…

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…– restoring land, jump-starting the economics of rural the Animals communities, and providing their investors with viable returns. On a continent better known for generating stories of destruction, Phinda’s tale…

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…prior to anesthetic, as outlined in Newsletter Vol. 8 No. 5. Suritol Sodium Suritol Sodium is probably used more than any other anesthetic in veterinary medicine today. In experienced hands,…

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…had opportunities to see.. live jackrabbits in the wild. Several t imes they t r i ed to run them down but it was immediately apparent that the jackrab- bits…

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…lbs now. I think s h e needs a playmate. She runs through the house like a NEWS (Continued f rom Page 7.) needs a playmate. She runs through the…

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