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…directly o r through the owners of their patients, a r e invited to receive LIOC Newsletters. Please address requests for complimentary Newsletters to LIOC Heaci- quar te r s…

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…eat them. The newspaper only has bad news, I heard Daddy say that. Mommy doesn’t need any bad news. And I know those bills do not make her happy. She…

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…location had not been de te rmined when Newsletter went to p r in te r . THE LONG ISLAND OCELOT CLUB NEWSLETTER Published Bi-Monthly by Long Island Ocelot Club,…

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…Research Institute is publishing a newsletter to keep supporters appraised of their research and mnagp~~p-nt proqrams. Mike Tewes (Vol 31, #3) is editincr this effort. Ocelots. bobcat and ja&rundi are…

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…the animal a s my words a r e pointless in changing the nature of his oppres- s o r – – both impossibilities. The following words w e r…

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…l branch activities. STARS OF THE CAT WORLD This is Paper No. 6. in a ser ies describing the less familiar felines of the world By: Robert E. Baudy, Pres…

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…of in the Newsletter. P lan now to attend. Ful l details in next Newsletter. SOME ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES FOR PERPETUATION OF ENDANGERED WILD FELIDS Michael K. Petersen, Assistant Professor Fisheries…

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…Species Conservation Federation Inc. This Newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation. Inc. We are a non- profit (Federal I.D. 59-2048618) non-commercial organization with international membership,…

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…t o l a t e schedule of the Newsletter. Possible solut ions suggested a re a s follows: a – Quar te r ly Newsletter with renewals mailed d…

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…membership, devoted t o the welfare o f ocelots and other exot ic fel ines. Repro- duction o f the material i n t h i s Newsletter may not…

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