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SNOOPY LF~ynx Rufus There is hardly a member of LIOC rho has not heard of Snoopy. His ,ingle-copy “Snoopy’s Newsletter”, profusely illustrated, has been widely shown a t meetings and…

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…Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i.e. by the 10th of the even numbered months. Local groups are advised that,…

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…this Newsli-tter and look forward to a longer listing in the next Newsletter. NEW RULES In sp i te of what it s a y s on your g r…

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…directly o r through the owners of their patients, a r e invited to receive LIOC Newsletters. Please address requests for complimentary Newsletters to LIOC Heaci- quar te r s…

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…purpose of this newsletter is to present information about exotic feline conservation, management and ownership to our members. The material printed in this newsletter is contributed by our members and…

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…In today‘s chaotic world, as the saying goes, stuff happens. We are not in total control of our lives, however fervently we wish. Preparations must be in place for every…

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…of cat; names and addresses of all members, and six copies of the Newsletter per year. News from Around the Jungle EVE IS DEAD Even Newsletter readers who never saw…

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…l branch activities. STARS OF THE CAT WORLD This is Paper No. 6. in a ser ies describing the less familiar felines of the world By: Robert E. Baudy, Pres…

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