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…t o l a t e schedule of the Newsletter. Possible solut ions suggested a re a s follows: a – Quar te r ly Newsletter with renewals mailed d…

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…Material for Publication Material for publication in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i.e. by the 10th of…

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…of pet ocelots and other “Exotic” felines. Reproduc- tion of the mate r ia l in this Newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/or the

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newsletter is to pres ent information about exotic feline conservation, management, and , , , ownership to our members. Th material printed in this newsletter is contributed by our members…

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…Turner Shirley Wagner Nancy Ward Barbara Wilton for contributions to this newsletter. This is YOUR newsletter. ALL contributions- new or old, long or short, technical or humorous, personal story, article…

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…(214) 24 1 -6440 i Submitting Material for Publication kqatertal lor publtcat~on In the LoGg lslanz Ocelot Club Newsletter should !x submttted Dy the 10th 0′ the month prcced~ng Newsletter…

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newspaper i tem which does not get through to the reader . News report ing must be factual and readers ‘ conclusions a r e a s v a r…

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…years of Newsletter and the inception of the Ken Hatfield Scholarship Fund. 1997 should find the scholarship fund up and running. I do hope you’ll see the merit of this…

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…will think next time. One incident was a large, soft rubber ball being thrown to the big puma. This was a very gentle puma, but this rubber ball was a…

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