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…Club Newsletter should be submitted by the h of the month preceding Newsletter publication, -e. by the 10th of the even numbered months. Local groups are advised that, if convenient,…

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newspaper i tem which does not get through to the reader . News report ing must be factual and readers ‘ conclusions a r e a s v a r…

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…will think next time. One incident was a large, soft rubber ball being thrown to the big puma. This was a very gentle puma, but this rubber ball was a…

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…one years of newsletters. Of course from 1956 thru 1971 our Founder, Catherine Cisin was also our Editor. In 1972 Robert Peraner took over that chore until the newly formed…

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…Canine and Feline Cardiology and con- tributed by Jean Hamil after her bobcat, Runte, was diagnosed with this heart defect. You’ve seen Jean’s pictures of Runte in the Newsletter frequently…

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…Eldridge’s youngster seen in previous newsletters. During his visits indoors, ‘Kobi’ has his own Ragdoll to play with. L* I* 0. c. Endangered Species Conservation Federation Inc This News le…

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…requested from the Secretary/ Treasurer. Reproduction of the material in this newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/or copyright owner LIOC. Since the newsletter consists…

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word about him in the Newsletter shamed him into action. * * * Bernard Slator of San Dimas, California, oceloter for a good many years, now writes: “I’ll bet you’ll…

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…this Newsli-tter and look forward to a longer listing in the next Newsletter. NEW RULES In sp i te of what it s a y s on your g r…

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