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…we have fortunately been able to obtain many copies of the LIOC Newsletter. These along with the book, Pe t Ocelot, have been of considerable inter- e s t and…

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…1 was mailed. Through the newsletter members have been informed of each other’s activities, been able to share humorous, informative and sometimes heartbreaking experiences, and have discover- ed how many…

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…non- ~om~ercial club, international in membership, devoted to the welfare of ocelots and all other exotic felines. Reproduction of the material in this Newsletter may not be made without written…

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…room.) By: Mrs. Don Kahl 5460 Manitou Road Littleton, Coloraflo (Inspired by two news items which appeared in the Rocky Mountain News under captions: “Satan The Leopard i s Gone;…

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…eat them. The newspaper only has bad news, I heard Daddy say that. Mommy doesn’t need any bad news. And I know those bills do not make her happy. She…

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T h i s Newsletter is publislied bi-montldy 11y tlie LIOC E~idaigered Species Coriservatio~i Federation, Inc. We x e a 11011-profit (Feded I.D. 59-204.8618) 11011-co~nmercial orgx&atio~i with uite~-natio~ial ~nemberslip, devoted…

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…guidance to the New England Chapter, and f o r Bob’s work a s Associate Editor of the Newsletter. Catherine reminded u s that the upcoming Newslet ter will be…

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newsletter is to pres ent information about exotic feline conservation, management, and , , , ownership to our members. Th material printed in this newsletter is contributed by our members…

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Newsletters For the benefit of-recent members who wish to avail themselves of the wealth of information contained in previously published Newsletters, as well as those who wish to fill in…

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…Eldridge’s youngster seen in previous newsletters. During his visits indoors, ‘Kobi’ has his own Ragdoll to play with. L* I* 0. c. Endangered Species Conservation Federation Inc This News le…

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