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…Conservation Federation, Inc. This Newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc. We are a non-profit (Federal I.D. 59-2048618) non-commercial organization with international membership, devoted to…

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…this Newsli-tter and look forward to a longer listing in the next Newsletter. NEW RULES In sp i te of what it s a y s on your g r…

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…of cat; names and addresses of all members, and six copies of the Newsletter per year. News from Around the Jungle EVE IS DEAD Even Newsletter readers who never saw…

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…and this Newsletter. This newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation Incorporated. We are a non-profit, non-commercial organization, international in membership, devoted to the welfare of…

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…felt . Today J o s e is his normal, handsome 35 pounds. He runs and plays like a big kitten, bellows when it ‘s t ime for his dinner,…

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…club vet, took a dip he was joined by the th ree jaguars, which caused everyone to rush f o r their cameras . Russ Wolden1s Jaguar , Kitty, is…

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…with international membership, devoted to the welfare of exotic felines. The purpose of this newsletter is to present information about exotic feline conservation, management and ownership to our members. The…

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…location had not been de te rmined when Newsletter went to p r in te r . THE LONG ISLAND OCELOT CLUB NEWSLETTER Published Bi-Monthly by Long Island Ocelot Club,…

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…of pet ocelots and other “Exotic” felines. Reproduc- tion of the mate r ia l in this Newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/or the…

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