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…purpose of this newsletter is to present information about exotic feline conservation, management and ownership to our members. The material printed in this newsletter is contributed by our members and…

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…a non-profit, non-commercial club, inter- national in membership, devoted to the welfare of pet ocelots and other “ExoticTt felines. Reproduc- tion of the material in this Newsletter may not be…

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…Comments on the newsletter, or particular articles are also welcome. Sell Yourself, Sell Your Products in the Newsletter Did you know that the LIOC ESCF newsletter accepts advertising from members?…

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…the material in this newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/or copyright owner LIOC. Since the newsletter consists of articles, photos and artwork contributed by…

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…publication in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i.e. by the 10th of the even numbered months. Local…

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T h i s Newsletter is publislied bi-montldy 11y tlie LIOC E~idaigered Species Coriservatio~i Federation, Inc. We x e a 11011-profit (Feded I.D. 59-204.8618) 11011-co~nmercial orgx&atio~i with uite~-natio~ial ~nemberslip, devoted…

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…commands besides the word “NO” do you use in training? Eric: “No” is the basic command. Make sure the cat knows that word first and foremost in any form. Then…

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