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…this issue of the Newsletter, these are readily available, — just drop a line to LIOC , Amagansett, N. Y. , GEORGE and RUTH LESKO, 528 Fifth Street, Brooklyn 15,…

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…room.) By: Mrs. Don Kahl 5460 Manitou Road Littleton, Coloraflo (Inspired by two news items which appeared in the Rocky Mountain News under captions: “Satan The Leopard i s Gone;…

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…2000 Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc. This Newsletter is published bimonthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc. We are a nonprofit (Federal I.D. 59-2048618) noncommercial organization with international

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…non- ~om~ercial club, international in membership, devoted to the welfare of ocelots and all other exotic felines. Reproduction of the material in this Newsletter may not be made without written…

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…LIOC Spotlight on p.30. This newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Feder- ation, Inc. He are a non-profit (Federal I.D.# 58-9100616)), non-commercial organization, international in membership,…

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…(214) 24 1 -6440 i Submitting Material for Publication kqatertal lor publtcat~on In the LoGg lslanz Ocelot Club Newsletter should !x submttted Dy the 10th 0′ the month prcced~ng Newsletter…

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…the LIOC Newsletter should be i 1 submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter 1 publication, i .e. by the 10th o f the even numbered months. I…

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…We will be living outside of San Diego and will feel honored if we can summarize the ocelot world of southern California for the Newsletter. I’ Attention: So. Cal members…

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Newsletters For the benefit of-recent members who wish to avail themselves of the wealth of information contained in previously published Newsletters, as well as those who wish to fill in…

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