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…Dickman Rosa Jordan John Lussmyer Alan Shoemaker John Thomas Smith George Stowers Shirley Wagner Tracy Wilson for contributions to this newsletter. This is YOUR newsletter. ALL contributions-new or old, long…

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…exotics , their owners : and the Newsletter ~ d i t d STARTING TIME: IMMEDIATELY!! The Newsletter is waiting on You. The scene f o r L IOC’s 1981…

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…happiest of holidays! Endangered Species Conservation Federation Inc. This Newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc. We are a non- profit (Federal I.D. 59-2048618) non-commercial…

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…Material for Publication Material for publication in the Long Island jcelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 9th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, .e. by the 10th of…

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…or their Since the July/August issue of the Newsletter, the board has met, discussed what happened, and adopted a new policy. At the front of the Newsletter is a disclaimer…

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…r r u , 2 Horatio Street, New York, N. Y. ~ f f l v n Rowe+ 25, Indian Read, New York 35, N.Y. Jerrie IlolIenbec~, 3951 Zeigler St.,…

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…(214) 24 1 -6440 i Submitting Material for Publication kqatertal lor publtcat~on In the LoGg lslanz Ocelot Club Newsletter should !x submttted Dy the 10th 0′ the month prcced~ng Newsletter…

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…this newsletter may not be made without the written permission of the original copyright owners and/or copyright owner LIOC. Since the newsletter consists primarily of articles, studies, photographs and artwork…

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…contributions to this newsletter. This is YOUR newsletter. ALL contributions- new or old, long or short, technical or humorous personal story, article or advertisement-are welcome and needed. I’ll be happy…

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T h i s Newsletter is publislied bi-montldy 11y tlie LIOC E~idaigered Species Coriservatio~i Federation, Inc. We x e a 11011-profit (Feded I.D. 59-204.8618) 11011-co~nmercial orgx&atio~i with uite~-natio~ial ~nemberslip, devoted…

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