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…St . Vancouver, Wash. 98662 (206) 892-9994 JACKIE VANOERWALL, SECRETARY/TREASURER: 17824 SE Morr ison Ct., Por t land, Ore. 97233 (503) 665-9488 L I F E DIRECTORS CATHERINE C I…

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…r a t e s charged f o r animals have drawn complaints t o the C i v i l Aeronautics Board from commercial animal sh ippers . Several

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…a g rea t deal. Also, the pain and swelling causes the mouth al-nost to lock. ” Z o r r o fought i t too long and’ folded almost…

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…aware of several facilities importing new felines into the U.S., invigorating our captive gene pools. This issue of the Journal contains a photo collage of serval faces. These were selected…

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…go in and out of the house whenev- er they like which enables my neighbor to talk to my serval everyday.They have become great friends. My exceptional ser- val even…

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…officers, seven Yes votes (2) Round-trip automobile for all atten- dees, seven Yes votes (3) Round-trip airfare for non-officers, seven Yes votes (4) Food allowance for the hosts, seven Yes…

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…cats are trained professionals. Sanctuaries are also not subject to the common-sense restric- tions that commercial exhibitors must fol- low, such as those that prevent people with an animal abuse

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…to build to suit the final size of your cats! If possible, think multi-purpose. We have several beautiful den boxes on- site that could have served a secondary purpose of…

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…which individual tests are requested and included. A typical veterinary chemistry panel will measure the following: Blood Glucose BUN Creatinine Calcium Total Protein Albumin Globulin Total Bilirubin Alkaline Phosphatase SGPT…

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always difficult to find materi- al on the subject of exotic animal hus- bandry; it was almost Area 51 confiden- tial. All the material for the course was very insightful…

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