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…and Ralston Purina Inc. By Rudy Baum Reprinted frcxn Chemical & Ehgineering News Contributed by John Perry World Bank Establishes Environment Department In a move sought by the National Wildlife…

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…cheetah are not leashed and respond to verbal requests. The cheetah run that Bill Meadows and his team built is being put to good use. They have cheetah runs often…

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Rub him on the head, behind the ears and on the chest. Rub, do not pat. Patting an animal initial- izes aggression or nervousness. Rub gen- tly along the back…

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…Joe Fortunato FCF Secretary Laura Walker—basic Mike Friese—basic Dolly Guck—basic Carolyn Alexander—basic Bill Meadows—advanced Pam Sperry—basic Trish Feathers—basic Roger Newson—advanced Jeanne Newson—advanced Loreon Vigne—advanced Chemaine Almquist—advanced Joel Almquist —advanced Paula…

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…of the newsletter from beginning to end. Duties would include keeping the team members on schedule, getting the articles and items from the rest of the team, putting the newsletter…

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run. I like the natural effect of grass for the runs. The runs are large enough to where the cats do not kill the grass. Mowing the runs with a…

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…generator allowed me to have lights and run my frige, but it wasn’t powerful enough to run the A/C. I was near the end of my patience and sanity when…

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…the kittens to a vet. Mom was thin and dehydrated, however, vets say all of the cats will be just fine. by Jeannie Piper World Trade Center Rubble Yields…

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…Below are a few summaries of news stories about exotic felines since our last FCF Journal. The recent court ruling ordering the Ohio Department of Agricul- ture to return Tiger…

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…a little better known – in a good news/bad news sort of way. First the good news. American cat folks are becoming aware of the beauty and fascination of the…

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