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…and are therefore preferable. The Maharajah imports them wild from Kenya, where they are snared and proceeds immediately with their do- mestication and training. Curiously the cheetahs take kindly to…

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…concerned, I believe that i t should always be the ultimate goal, but only to propogate the species a s such. Isn’ t that what1 s really important 7 Sincerely,…

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…Florida, Utah and finally in New Or leans s ince July, 1968. This bobcat is fondly missed by a l l who knew of him o r knew him, and…

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…on St. Patrick’s Day he was duly named Kelly. Kelly Comes Home When we arrived home with Kelly, our days and nights were divided into 4-hour periods for Kelly’s meals…

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…job in my stead. Respectfully submitted, -12- The next meeting of the New England Branch of LIOC, originally scheduled during the October meeting for an early date in December a…

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…the larger motels in mid- July were made a t the suggestion of John Brill, which suggestion was eagerly accepted by many “local” members. Offers for entertaining a July picnic…

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…contributed enormously to conservation, especially by helping develop different techniques for farming in a predator-friendly (non-lethal) way. We don’t credit ourselves for ideas – we get them from others –…

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…I was a bit shocked as the Lotty was handed to me. It is especially meaningful to me person- ally to be recognized for dedication to felines and the organization…

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…domestic cats, but it didn’t seem to hamper vision too severely. Initially the cataracts were only established in one eye and were not as developed. They had obviously progressed since…

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…wrongly. Atropine is commonly used to treat dangerously low heart rates caused by other disorders. However, in the case of amitraz poisoning, atropine should be avoided. Yohimbine is recommended instead….

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