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…continue to do the Newsletter production and also do justice to running your organization. Is there someone out there who would be willing to take over as production editor?? Computer…

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rugged mountains. For, in the long run, this terrain cannot support man or his domestic stock. Instead, emphasis should be placed on another support for the local population. If part…

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…material in this newsletter may not be made without the written permission of the original copyright owners and/or copyright owner LIOC. Since the newsletter consists primarily of articles, studies, photo-…

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…You can still attend an exotic cat conservation con- vention to learn and to enjoy life. Change your world. Change the cats’ world. Together we can and will make a…

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…Public Relations. She needs your help. The web- site is waiting for an FCF reporter, some- one who will dig up FCF member news, FCF event news, write stories, gather…

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…a gene in the Maltese Fox that will make a developing fox pup’s nose blue in the presence of arsenic. Squirrels concentrate arsenic. Pregnant mothers eat squirrels and have blue…

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Mrs. Harry G . Cisin (Editor), Amagansett, N Y 11930 Mrs. Wilbur Murray (Secretary). Amawalk. N. Y. 10501 Mrs. Betty Harr is (Sec Nor Calif) 205 Butler St, Milpitas,…

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…Below are a few summaries of news stories about exotic felines since our last FCF Journal. The recent court ruling ordering the Ohio Department of Agricul- ture to return Tiger…

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…Banos, which is 4,000 feet straight down. He’s running in muddy ruts so deep the stir- rups drag on the ground, teaching me a very important lesson. Doc Martins are…

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…David against Goliath, a small rural zoo being sued by a multimillion-dollar, non-profit organization of animal rights attorneys. The court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. This ruling is potentially…

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