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…membership, devoted to the welfare of exotic felines. Reproduction of the material in this Newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors andlor the copyright owner, LIOC….

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SNOOPY LF~ynx Rufus There is hardly a member of LIOC rho has not heard of Snoopy. His ,ingle-copy “Snoopy’s Newsletter”, profusely illustrated, has been widely shown a t meetings and

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…o Editor’s note: The next (March) Newsletter will continue Bill Deacon’s report , summarizing some of his observations. WANTED: Male South American Puma (declawed) t o be Gwendy’s mate. Please…

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…of LIOC will be advanced as providing a positive media forum for the promotion of felines through its Newsletter. Readers will tend to take the newsletter more seriously, submit more…

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…by Dr. Michael Balbo in LIOC Newsletters and in ESPECIALLY OCELOTS (Catherine Cisin), a s well a s elsewhere. Cheetah Runs Away (forever) “Police had to kill Jasper, the runaway…

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rugged mountains. For, in the long run, this terrain cannot support man or his domestic stock. Instead, emphasis should be placed on another support for the local population. If part…

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…of this newsletter is to present information about exotic feline conservation, management, and ownership to our members. The material printed in this newsletter is contributed by our members and, in…

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…is an important tool for communicating the basics of responsible captive husbandry and resulted in a significant improvement in relations between the LIOC and the American Zoological Association North American

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…next Newsletter. POST MEETING NEWS: J im Soutter, Rye, N. Y. honed LIOC the evening of May 23 to report he had driven knowledge. “The veterinarian who is worthwhile will…

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