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…zoo or ‘old town.’ Saturday morning began with a speaker from Seaworld USA and his experiences with the animals they work with. Dr. J. Peddie was the next speaker. Dr….

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…you mas te red this difficulty very well. ” — Joy Adamson, Maru National P a r k , P. 0. Maua via Meru, Kenya, Africa. THE HYBRID JUNGLE CAT…

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…ca t s a r e a s fol lows- Cat – Period in days Cheetah (Acinonyx Jubatus) 93 Bobcat (Lynx Rufus) 63 “Domestic” (Fel ls Catus) 6 1 Siamese…

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…Beejay Lcster Leann Montgomery Alan Shoemaker George Stowers Bob Turner Tracy Wilson Barbara Wilton for contributions to this newsletter. This is YOUR newsletter. ALL contributions-new or old, long or short,…

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…o Editor’s note: The next (March) Newsletter will continue Bill Deacon’s report , summarizing some of his observations. WANTED: Male South American Puma (declawed) t o be Gwendy’s mate. Please…

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…who have not seen Snoopy’s Newsletter have read his accounts of current events and his personal obser- vations presented in his peculiar bob- cat English, in the LIOC Newsletter from…

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…lbs now. I think s h e needs a playmate. She runs through the house like a NEWS (Continued f rom Page 7.) needs a playmate. She runs through the

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…membership, devoted t o the welfare o f ocelots and other exot ic fel ines. Repro- duction o f the material i n t h i s Newsletter may not…

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…reference to your article CALIFORNIA ENFORCEMENT that appeared in your July August 88 newsletter. I have watched your newsletter grow from its humble beginnings to what it is today, and…

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…her owner, s ee Page 4. 1 1 1 PLAN TO COME! September 15 & 16 Complete details on page 3 of this Newsletter. ^ By: Frances Tweet Route 1,…

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