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…m South of the Border i s no Ordinary Cat” Daily News-Record, Harr isonburg, Va. 9/18/58 MONTEZUMA (Merri l l ) – New York Journal-American, 10/10/58 News from Around the…

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…exotic felines. The purpose of this newsletter is to present information about exotic feline conservation, management and ownership to our members. The material printed in this newsletter is contributed by…

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…“Snoopy’s News– letters.” There were four in all, each a work of Curly’s imagin ative, humorous patience which created the hand bound collages which were Snoopy’s Newsletters. Curly sent these…

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LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation inc. Route 4, Box 377 Mobile, AL 36633 – July/August 1988 Volume 32, Number 4 Newsletter 3 Neo Tropical Cats 5 Cat Specialist Group 6…

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…Lynn Culver, Species Enhancement Strategy Dr. William Swanson, Director of Animal Research, Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife, Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, Addressing the Conservation Challenges of…

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…tiger, the largest and most endangered tiger in the world, is getting some badly needed help from a $500,00 joint Russian-American scientific mission to save the remaining 500 animals from…

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…ca t s a r e a s fol lows- Cat – Period in days Cheetah (Acinonyx Jubatus) 93 Bobcat (Lynx Rufus) 63 “Domestic” (Fel ls Catus) 6 1 Siamese…

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…Back Newsletters F o r the benefit of recent members who wish t o avail themselves of the wealth of Information contained In previously published Newsletters, as well as those…

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Russell in searching out new scenery. They packed up and drove west as far as Los Gatos, California where they settled at 205 Milbrae Lane. LIOC 1962 What locale could…

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…for Publication Material for publication in the Long Island 1 ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, / i.e. by the 10th…

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