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…N. Y. 10501 -Mrs. Betlv Hiirris. 205 Butler S t . . Milpitas. California 95035 Dr . Mich:iel P. Balbo ( A n ) 21-01 4 6 St. Long Island…

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…Ocelot Club i s a non-profit, non-comnercial club. Internat ional i n membership, devoted t o the welfare o f ocelots and other exot ic felines. Repro- duction o f…

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…to get i t all out, there always seems to be several grains left that find their way ei ther under one’s seat when we t i t , o…

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…look for more work.) Local businesses will see increases in tourist generated business. Local employment will enable the local people to pay local taxes providing the means for local government…

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…area would be the ideal setting for allowing the animal to rest during the reversal process. General anesthetics General anesthetics are used when an animal needs to be unconscious and…

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…Central America, northwest Argen- tina, Peru and Paraguay. They live in a variety of habitats, from dry scrub, swamp and savannah to moist tropical forest and rainforests. Although they are…

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Felid Enrichment Overview

al. 2006. Prey preferences of the leopard (Panthera pardus). Journal of Zoology. Available: ​ Miller et al. 2013. Estimating Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) kill rates and potential consumption rates…

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…t o the welfare o f ocelots and other exotic fel ines. Reproduction o f the material i n t h i s Newsletter may not be made without w…

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…a g rea t deal. Also, the pain and swelling causes the mouth al-nost to lock. ” Z o r r o fought i t too long and’ folded almost…

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