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…club vet, took a dip he was joined by the th ree jaguars, which caused everyone to rush f o r their cameras . Russ Wolden1s Jaguar , Kitty, is…

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…heart. The longer we associate with animals and observe their position in the world today the more uneasy we have become about the whole pet situation, especially where wild animals…

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…Canine and Feline Cardiology and con- tributed by Jean Hamil after her bobcat, Runte, was diagnosed with this heart defect. You’ve seen Jean’s pictures of Runte in the Newsletter frequently…

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HERB WILTON AND SEAN – SEE “AN OPEN LETTER” PAGE 3 LONG ISLAND OCELOT CLUB NEWSLETTER Published bimonthly by Long Island Ocelot Club, 1454 Fleetwood Drive East, Mobile, Alabama 36605….

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…of pet ocelots and other “Exotic” felines. Reproduc- tion of the mate r ia l in this Newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/or the…

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…icat ion i n the LIOC Newsletter should be I submitted by the 10th o f the month precedina Newsletter publication, i.e. by the 10th o f the even numbered…

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…years of Newsletter and the inception of the Ken Hatfield Scholarship Fund. 1997 should find the scholarship fund up and running. I do hope you’ll see the merit of this…

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…by Staten Island Zoo), September, 1958 MONTEZUMA (Merrill) “Caty-Cornered”, New York Daily News, 11/7/58 MONTEZUMA (Merrill) New York World Telegram, 11/6/58 SIMBA (Mathews) “This Fearless Pair Raise Ocelots” Daily News,…

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…location had not been de te rmined when Newsletter went to p r in te r . THE LONG ISLAND OCELOT CLUB NEWSLETTER Published Bi-Monthly by Long Island Ocelot Club,…

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…a non-profit, non-commercial club, inter- national in membership, devoted to the welfare of pet ocelots and other “ExoticTt felines. Reproduc- tion of the material in this Newsletter may not be…

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