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…in this Newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/or the copyright owner, LIOC. Founder: Catherine Cisi ‘ Amangasett NY 1 1930 (51 6):67-3852 Officers: President:…

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…of cat; names and addresses of all members, and six copies of the Newsletter per year. News from Around the Jungle EVE IS DEAD Even Newsletter readers who never saw…

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T h i s Newsletter is publislied bi-montldy 11y tlie LIOC E~idaigered Species Coriservatio~i Federation, Inc. We x e a 11011-profit (Feded I.D. 59-204.8618) 11011-co~nmercial orgx&atio~i with uite~-natio~ial ~nemberslip, devoted…

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…exotic fel ines. Reproduction o f the material i n t h i s Newsletter may not be made without wr i t ten permission o f the authors and/or…

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…the LIOC Newsletter should be i 1 submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter 1 publication, i .e. by the 10th o f the even numbered months. I…

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…a non-profit, non-commercial club, inter- national in membership, devoted to the welfare of pet ocelots and other “ExoticTt felines. Reproduc- tion of the material in this Newsletter may not be…

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…m South of the Border i s no Ordinary Cat” Daily News-Record, Harr isonburg, Va. 9/18/58 MONTEZUMA (Merri l l ) – New York Journal-American, 10/10/58 News from Around the…

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…not re- ceived a copy of the questionnaire that was a part of the September, 1960 Newsletter. This same questionnaire is enclosed only with the copies o r this Newsletter…

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