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…Comments on the newsletter, or particular articles are also welcome. Sell Yourself, Sell Your Products in the Newsletter Did you know that the LIOC ESCF newsletter accepts advertising from members?…

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…m South of the Border i s no Ordinary Cat” Daily News-Record, Harr isonburg, Va. 9/18/58 MONTEZUMA (Merri l l ) – New York Journal-American, 10/10/58 News from Around the

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MIXED EMOTIONS Jayne Murray BATCHELOR OR PAIR: WHICH SHALL IT BE? Few things in this world are more appealing than baby animals. Ocelots and margays certainly are not exceptions. Often…

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…of all exotics, their owners: and the Newsletter Editor. STARTING TIME: IMMEDIATELY!! The Newslette is waiting on You. I Help Needed With Golden Cat Program s m o s t…

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…know that Pepe had never seen a rabbit before,but his f i r s t encounter was an experience in t rue instinct. Several rabbits were running around u s…

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…of the material in this newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/or copyright owner LIOC. Since the newsletter consists of articles, photos and artwork contributed…

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…address to insure uninterrupted receipt of your Newsletter. VACCINATIONS IN ANIMALS reprinted from ANIMAL FINDERS’ GUIDE submitted by Peggy Hayes As a general rule, the term vaccination refers to stimulating…

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running theworld’s larges ocelot fur farm” (boasting an ocelot birth rate of 250 kits a year), it also seems to have the most restaurants in Europe offer- ing wild…

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