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…this newsletter is to ores ent information about exotic feline conservation, management, and ownership to our members. Th material printed in this newsletter is contributed by our members and in…

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…k rns244L~52-31-2q~ rules undated. Educati~,~ Ejfi Conservation: coordinates and institutes educational aids arid programs. Coordinates with other organizations and advises on conservation efforts, Incumbants will not be running in several…

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…sense accountability rules that place the ultimate organization power and Newsletter decisions back in the hands of it Members, when they feel the Board is unresponsive to its wishes. Sincerely,…

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…felines. The purpose of this newsletter is to present information about exotic feline conservation, management and ownership to our members. The material printed in this newsletter is contributed by our…

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…– – mar (?); Thailand . Rusty-çpotto cat, Prionailums mbigtnosus (I. Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, 1831) Old Red List Insufficiently Known; New Red List Data Deficient Justification The rustv-svotted cat has lone…

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…Material f o r publ icat ion i n the LIOC Newsletter should be 1 submitted by the 10th o f the month preceding Newsletter ! publication, i.e. by the…

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newsletter may not be made without the written permission of the original copyright owners and/or copyright owner LIOC. Since the Newsletter consists primarily of articles, studies, photographs and artwork contributed…

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…Lockwood John Lussmyer Bob Turner Shirley Wagner for contributions to this newsletter. This is YOUR newsletter. ALL contributions- new or old, long or short, technical or humorous, personal story, article…

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…interest; all questions – give other members a chance to help. SALARY: The love and gratitude of all exotics, their owners:and the Newsletter Editor- STARTING TIME: IMMEDIATELY11 The Newsletter Is…

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…above – Submitting Material for Publication Material for publication in the Long Island elot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the ‘ – h of the month preceding Newsletter publication,…

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