Search Results: Human Design или Дизайн Человека Дизайн Человека это универсальный язык описания реальности консультации онлайн


…Dan Yoder’s “Katnip Tree” company (416 Smith Street, Seattle, Wasn. ) were discussed. Dan makes a complete line of cat products, toys, carr iers and he makes, on a limited…

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…27, 1967, prohibiting “wild” animals. Since we had no notice the law was coming up and it was sassed in one day, we had no chance to present a case…

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…r e thing because we all find ourselves completely a t ease , each in the’ company of the other. Our family has truly been expanded to four members. Our…

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…margay – and several “common” cats. BOBCAT, (as yet un-named)- Harry Denhard, Greenville, N. Y. SNOOPY, bobcat, has come to live with R. H. and Dolores Kerle, 5 N. 7th…

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…Y., with Carlotta and the Cisins. Many members f rom near and fa r a r e already making plans to come. Some have al- ready made motel reservations. COMPLETE…

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…bottom. Once they started coming in they made rapid progress and a r e now good sized teeth. I guess al l the comparing teeth at the meeting and the…

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…a club meeting to wel- come these world travellers? Your correspondent has discovered a new passtime. Tail suckers a r e relatively common. There a r e Felix (Lane), Clyde…

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…cause pneumonia in cats. A related organism, Bordetella pertussis, causes whooping cough in humans. Although clinical signs of Bordetella infection are fairly obvious in dogs and humans, adult cats rarely…

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