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…reicht. Das ganze Thier ist oben bräunlich, unten weiß. Die Schnauze bräunlich, mit grau ver- mengt. Die Ohren schwarz gestreift. Der Rücken mit runden schwarzen Flecken ziemlich dicht bestreuet. Der…

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…needs a mixer? We scraped up all the cement mix, then raked out our mixing site, and it was pretty neat how it all worked out. One batch fills two…

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…the microcontroller. The microcontroller is a low pin count eight-bit Microchip PIC. Between beeps, the microcontroller powers down most of the circuitry to minimize battery train. The bat- tery is…

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…Sometimes the critical positive experience happens as an adult. When these people haven’t had actual hands on personal experience, they have, instead, been exposed to a charismatic ani- mal champion…

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…vice president of the Association of Professional Wildlife Educators, a professional member of the Animal Behavior Management Alliance, member of the National Wildlife Rehabili- tation Association, International Wolf Cen– ter,…

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…Reproduction of the material in this magazine may not be made without the written permission of the original copyright owners and/or copyright owner FCF. We encourage all members to contribute…

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…mailed out. Mike had not even heard of FCF until two days before the 2005 FCF National Convention held in Miami. In just two days, Mike was able to fly…

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…any predator from the ecosystem is always problematic. Once an animal is taken out of the environment, it creates an open territory that surround- ing predators will automatically try to…

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…under the Complete Natural Nutrition brand along with other exceptional nutritional tools like Primal Cal, Rapid Rehab & Crisis Care. / 866-807-7335 The project’s first six “Simba Scholars,” along…

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…the typical convention back then was shorter, we had fewer speak- ers (all of which were local), and the only “field trip” was a social event. This was also before…

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