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…I was able to get better sleep. Matata always woke me several times through the night looking for his hand for “sucky time” and Cinnamon would several times stretch her…

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…the Vet” story. Our serval “Safari,” whom you already met in the FCF Journal July/August 2008, is actually the second serval to grace our household. Our first beloved animal, “Rafiki,”…

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…the Vet” story. Our serval “Safari,” whom you already met in the FCF Journal July/August 2008, is actually the second serval to grace our household. Our first beloved animal, “Rafiki,”…

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…private and public domains. Join the Zoological Association of America There are several levels of member- ship including commercial, education- al, facility, and individual. Accredita- tion is also available. P.O….

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…of odd numbered months. Please submit all material to the Editor. Persons interested in joining FCF should contact the Term Director in Charge of Member Services. Founder: Catherine Cisin Legal

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Serval. Tab. CVIII. Serval. BUFF. 13. p. 233 tab. 35. PENN. syn. p. 186. Chat-pard. Mém. pour servir à l’hist. des anim. tom. I. p. 110. Maraputé; In Malabar. Serval;…

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…working FCF Board of Directors. All board members must have internet access to participate in internet board meetings and discussion list. If you are interested in serving, please send a…

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…and serval. The cubs are all different. Some take the head and body shape of a caracal; some take the head and body shape of a serval. Some have bigger,…

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…ofthe educational messages and field research ofthe educational messages and field research ofthe educational messages and field research ofthe educational messages and field research of T.I.G.E.R.S. The RSF has provided…

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