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…I Submittino Material for Publication I Material for publication in the Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i.e. by…

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…(March) Newsletter. MICHIGAN NEWS By Sherri Brown, Correspondent L, (Mrs. Sherri Brown, 661 Six Mile Road NW, Comstock Park, Michigan, tours schools with her ocelot, Sheba- Cleopatra and answers the…

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…felines. Membership will bring you: 1. copies per year of the bi-monthly LONG ISLAND OCELOT CLUB NEWSLETTER. This contains news of club activities; information relating to care? training* handling and

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…Canine and Feline Cardiology and con- tributed by Jean Hamil after her bobcat, Runte, was diagnosed with this heart defect. You’ve seen Jean’s pictures of Runte in the Newsletter frequently…

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…produced 25 cubs to carry on her special ways. Max cougar died Christmas of liver problems. Although he had only lived with us a few years, he had a permanent…

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…(214) 24 1 -6440 i Submitting Material for Publication kqatertal lor publtcat~on In the LoGg lslanz Ocelot Club Newsletter should !x submttted Dy the 10th 0′ the month prcced~ng Newsletter…

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…Lockwood John Lussmyer Bob Turner Shirley Wagner for contributions to this newsletter. This is YOUR newsletter. ALL contributions- new or old, long or short, technical or humorous, personal story, article…

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…– Julv/Aueust, 1996 16 Silencing wildlife – continued Komondor, when raised with livestock and properly trained, offer continual livestock protection. – Keep pets and livestock inside and protected from early…

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…1 was mailed. Through the newsletter members have been informed of each other’s activities, been able to share humorous, informative and sometimes heartbreaking experiences, and have discover- ed how many…

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…in this Newsletter may not be made without written permission of the authors and/or the copyright owner, LIOC. Founder: Catherine Cisi ‘ Amangasett NY 1 1930 (51 6):67-3852 Officers: President:…

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