Search Results: Human Design или Дизайн Человека Дизайн Человека это универсальный язык описания реальности консультации онлайн


…WHEN CHEETAHS ARE KINGS By Donald Lindburg, Ph.D. An ancient prophet is said to have compared the prospect of reforrninq human behavior to that of a leopard changing its spots….

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…is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Feder- ation, Inc. We are a non-profit (Federal I.D.# 58-9100616)), non-commercial organization, international in membership, devoted to the welfare of exotic…

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…that only further thier personal viewpoints and not necessarily benefit LIOC members or animals. A non Board advisory committee of members could restore some common sense accountability rules that place…

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…ownership of exotic felines. He asked for volunteers to head two committees, one for Oregon, and one for Washington. Committee members will meet and formulate rules and regulations to be…

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…Ocelot Club i s a non-profit, non-comnercial club. Internat ional i n membership, devoted t o the welfare o f ocelots and other exot ic felines. Repro- duction o f…

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commercial club, international in membership, devoted to the welfare of ocelots and all other exotic felines. Reproduction of the material in this Newsletter may not be made without written permission…

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…Mobile, Alabama 36605. The Long Is land Ocelot Club i s a non-profi t , non-commercial dub. In te rna t iona l i n member- ship devoted t o…

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