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CHIQUITA, just after declawing at 3 months, lives with J.B. & Beba Anderson. Thisis an entry in the Photo Contest, winner will be announced at convention Published bi-monthly by the…

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SAMELITA AND CHIC0 LIVED FOR MANY YEARS WITH JACKIE AS? XLT-E *-^PEL Their storv benins on Paae 3- Branches Published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc., 1454…

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…the material i n t h i s Newsletter may not be made without wr i t ten permission o f the authors and/or the copyright cuner. LIOC. LQC OFFICERS…

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…also have a reader’s write section for letters or responses to articles. Please send materials for contribution to the newsletter editor. Newsletter Editor Wendie Wulff, 4101 Penn Ave. #6, Pittsburgh…

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membership. devoted to the welfare of pet ocelots and like felidae. Long Island Number 5 eproduction of the material in this Newsletter may not be made without written Ocelot Club…

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…. LONG ISLAND OCELOT CLUB NEWSLETTER Published Bi-~onthly by Long Island Ocelot Club, 1454 Fleetwood Drive East, Mobile, Alabama 36605. The Long Island Ocelot Club is a non-profit, non- commercial…

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Newsletter Edit01 STARTING TIME: IMMEDIATELY!! The Newsletter is waiting on You. REGISTRAR: ~ e b e c c a organ, P.O.Box 144, c a r r o l l t…

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…Long Island Ocelot Club Newsletter should be submitted by the 10th of the month preceding Newsletter publication, i.e. by the 10th of the even num- bered months. Branch Representatives A.C.E.C….

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…w i t h h i s owner , LONG ISLAND OCELOT CLUB NEWSLETTER Published bi-monthly by Long Island Ocelot Club. 14W Fleetwood Drive East. Mobile. Alabama 36605. The Long…

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