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…best footage: Information about Sara’s record breaking run: 2012/08/120802-cheetah-sarah-cincinnati- zoo-fastest-record-science-usain-bolt- olympics/ The high speed cameras capture fine details, such as the claws extended during the race. Photo by…

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…my tiger. It was WORLD WIDE NEWS. When you travel and have performing animals, you are faced with ani- mal rights issues day in and day out, so being controversial…

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…about from those who were fortunate enough to see the cheetahs run couple of years ago. I look forward to another attendance breaking record next year. As for the new…

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run. I like the natural effect of grass for the runs. The runs are large enough to where the cats do not kill the grass. Mowing the runs with a…

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…up and running. Please forward this news to all who attended the FCF Convention and were present yesterday to hear me talk and share their thoughts with me. Ashwin Naidu…

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…theme parks, and specializes in children’s shows produc- ing Pets Ahoy at Sea World Orlando, Pets Rule at Sea World San Diego, Pet Shenani- gans at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Land…

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…2011 By Lea Jaunakais, President and Founder of Tiger World ( In “Part One” of this series, Prevent an Outbreak, we identified the vaccination regimen that Tiger World provides their…

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…Joe Fortunato FCF Secretary Laura Walker—basic Mike Friese—basic Dolly Guck—basic Carolyn Alexander—basic Bill Meadows—advanced Pam Sperry—basic Trish Feathers—basic Roger Newson—advanced Jeanne Newson—advanced Loreon Vigne—advanced Chemaine Almquist—advanced Joel Almquist —advanced Paula…

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…but as I watched, she stalked a domes- tic cat strolling past her enclosure, and then broke into a full run at it. The domestic took off running, but had…

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…to visit and personally see the exotic cat conservation project you are supporting. Rosa Jordan News frNews frNews frNews frNews from Playa de Orom Playa de Orom Playa de Orom…

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