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…We also started a wild bobcat research project here in my state of Massachusetts. We are research– ing the current bobcat populations within our state, so we can determine where…

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…reicht. Das ganze Thier ist oben bräunlich, unten weiß. Die Schnauze bräunlich, mit grau ver- mengt. Die Ohren schwarz gestreift. Der cken mit runden schwarzen Flecken ziemlich dicht bestreuet. Der…

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…David against Goliath, a small rural zoo being sued by a multimillion-dollar, non-profit organization of animal rights attorneys. The court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. This ruling is potentially…

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…sure to check it out, partic- ularly the Young Feline Ambassador e- newsletter for kids and youth, future pro- tectors of the world’s wild cats. Two issues are online, with…

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…to ongoing genetic and behavioral research conducted at universi- ties and zoos, and to other legitimate research projects occasionally. In addi- tion, the FCF has supported wild cat con- servation…

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…even have a copy of that epoch making newsreel. The cartoons I drew which appeared in the January Newsletter a r e the realizations of my nightmares. –ie interesting thing…

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…research. Fighting Levy County Home Rule Dr. Suzanne Billiar takes her coun- ty to court to protect her exotics. Feline Conservation Federation Volume 54, Issue 4 July/August 2010 Husbandry Feeding…

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…how many other animals have you affected by doing that? Silently, all across the country, city, county, and state laws are being imple- mented based on research. Research, which we…

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…next research trip. You can learn about it on our parent w e b s i t e : ml. To learn more about our research, visit the research

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