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…Banos, which is 4,000 feet straight down. He’s running in muddy ruts so deep the stir- rups drag on the ground, teaching me a very important lesson. Doc Martins are…

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…of our world. As long as people eat food that comes out of the ground, we will be tied to this natural world. We are reminded of this connection by…

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…of the newsletter from beginning to end. Duties would include keeping the team members on schedule, getting the articles and items from the rest of the team, putting the newsletter…

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…Sinbad was brushing up next to us and rubbing his chin on our legs, so I carefully reached out and rubbed his head and chin. He did hiss, but not…

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rugged mountains. For, in the long run, this terrain cannot support man or his domestic stock. Instead, emphasis should be placed on another support for the local population. If part…

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run of the March/April newsletter mailing using two taped tabs to close it, and eliminate the enve- lope. The back one third of the newsletter will be devoted to a…

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…a 1970 Long Island Ocelot Club newsletter reprint titled “Siberian Tiger,” by Robert Baudy. Reading this account, we learn that the1960 the census of wild Russian Siber- ian tigers numbered…

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Newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation, Inc. We are a non-profit (Federal I. D. 59-20486 18) non-commercial organization with international membership, devoted to the welfare…

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…Nothing like the beauty, power, and grace of a running chee- tah can create a feeling in the hearts and minds of people around the world. The cheetah run at…

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…the kittens to a vet. Mom was thin and dehydrated, however, vets say all of the cats will be just fine. by Jeannie Piper World Trade Center Rubble Yields…

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