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Rub him on the head, behind the ears and on the chest. Rub, do not pat. Patting an animal initial- izes aggression or nervousness. Rub gen- tly along the back…

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…three years ago at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species made worldwide news. And now Ditteaux, the world’s first cloned wild carnivore, also born at the center, is…

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…board members will be doing some international traveling and are help- ing to bring FCF’s reputation to the world. Pat Callahan leaves for Chile in October. We will look forward…

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…Amy Flory Editor, FCF Young Feline Ambassador Newsletter The FCF Young Feline Ambassador Newsletter is the bi-monthly electronic newsletter produced by the Education Committee for kids and teens. We are…

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.I.O.C. Endangered Species Conservation Federation Incorporated. LD CONFERENCE Information about LIOC ESCF Inc. and this Newsletter. This newsletter is published bi-monthly by the LIOC Endangered Species Conservation Federation Incorporated. We…

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…facts. Here is some more disturbing news on that front. One of the latest news articles has brought out the fact that PETA is attempt- ing to use OSHA in…

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…Banos, which is 4,000 feet straight down. He’s running in muddy ruts so deep the stir- rups drag on the ground, teaching me a very important lesson. Doc Martins are…

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…cheetah are not leashed and respond to verbal requests. The cheetah run that Bill Meadows and his team built is being put to good use. They have cheetah runs often…

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…though support of habitat protection and conservation, education, and breeding pro- grams. Send $30 ($35 Canada, $40 international) to FCF, c/o Kevin Chambers, 7816 N CR 75 W, Shelburn, IN…

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rugged mountains. For, in the long run, this terrain cannot support man or his domestic stock. Instead, emphasis should be placed on another support for the local population. If part…

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