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…while screaming and yelling NO. They finally shot the animal approximately seven times before he died. This was totally unnecessary. My preference is a small stick which can be inserted…

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…expanded their relationship with cooperating zoos is by accepting older, genetically or demographically surplus stock for long- term holding. While such animals are not likely to be tractable, and usually

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…but are most closely related to the martin family of mustelidae weasels. Twelve species of honey badgers are gener- ally recognized. They are usually differentiated by geographic distrib- ution, size,…

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…ally Sammy or Murphy). You learned quickly that a towel over your hand while feeding was your best friend, as it could keep the scratches down a bit. Mindy was…

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…and initially those in control were not keen on sharing their knowl- edge with neophytes such as us! For- tunately, our perseverance eventually began to open previously closed doors and…

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…groups. One group was treated for ten days with atovaquone (15 mg/kg orally three times daily) and azithromycin (10 mg/kg orally once daily). Cats in the imidocarb group were pretreated…

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…forty plus other Center residents. Initially, Tabbi and Suri had to thoroughly understand that we did not appreciate or would allow them to bite us – thankfully they are both…

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…would be more successful. (And obviously because the zoos had given up!) The tiny ones arrived in an extremely shredded shape, having obviously fought continuously. Although they represent a good…

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lynx Northern lynx Lynx lynx kozlovi Irkutsk lynx Lynx lynx wrangeli Siberian lynx Lynx lynx carpathicus Carpathian lynx The Eurasian lynx has a stout body with a thick and soft…

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…She kindly accepted the new nomination. Secretary/Treasurer Candidate Lillian Smith Lillian has been an active member since 1970. Highly involved in branch activi- ties during the early seventies, she coordinated…

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