Search Results: Что такое базовый архетип детальнее


…the 100 to 150 grams difference in weight consistently. Their daily weight gains have fluctuated quite a bit though, with Thursday’s gain of only 25 grams for the female and…

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…long and slender and the back is slightly arched, while the richly furred, very long tail is carefully kept either upturned at the end or curled around, seemingly to avoid…

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…representatives will be moved over to the members-only section along with our membership data- base. The FCF board is still minus two seats. Hopefully these positions will be appointed shortly….

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…a giant of a ca t and seemed extremely docile and friendly, getting along famously s i th the two young jaguars, Pr incess , be- longing to Rick Russel…

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…appear- ance of the canine family but genetically they are closer to cats. They are extremely clever and sociable but their jaws can apply a pressure per square inch between…

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…took these cases very seri- ously. The fact that margays appear in urban sprawls may certainly alarm local wildlife biologists. Indeed, the Atlantic for- est solely remains locally as a…

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…early play attempts with Hero, the fur farm male, were com- pletely unsuccessful so I concentrated on playing with the females. Lynx prey mostly on rabbits and snow partridges so…

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…held above the water hori- zontally with the tip slightly up. Family behavior: Date – week – age of kittens July 5 – no. 1 – 5 wks This was…

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…breath. TJ does purr quite fre- quently and often quite loudly. Kira purrs occasionally, but so softly that it is something I feel rather than hear. TJ seems to have…

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…(Lynx pardinus), and Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). There is on ongoing debate among phylo-geneticists as to other species’ inclusion in this group. But what is significant about this grouping is…

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