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…Director of Legal Affairs for Mark Jenkins. Anderson second. Mark Jenkins resigned his position due to a busy schedule at his cougar facility, his camp volunteer work, and job. Lynn…

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…Issue 2—March/April 2008 13 a film set or a live show, then you will cer- tainly need multiple tigers to accomplish that task. On the films we’ve worked in like…

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…igloo with a vacant look on her face and no Manolo in sight. A rapid search revealed him—a damp, cold, frail lump of fur. I thought he was dead, but…

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…fences, past the squatter towns or “imper- manent settlements” as we were instructed to call them, and we were heading up into the hills. We came to film and train…

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…down and Wimpy’s tail was swishing in anger and they vocalized their threatening mood. Wimpy is no wimp these days, he is our largest bobcat, at least 40 pounds and…

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…on their sides in the grass. Next morning, they were ready and waiting for breakfast and a romp in their field and their new life in America. So in the…

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…diversified game and topography. The Okavango Delta has been the subject of hundreds of books and films. We were gone for two weeks, flew from camp to camp, and stayed…

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…from a PMP. Pal- las cats have been downgraded from an SSP to a PMP, and jaguarundi has been added to the Regional Collection Plan (RCP) as a Phase-In Population….

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…big brown lump climbing down Sandra Lee is Conner, the coatimundi. This is a very nosey animal and he is demonstrating how well his big nose works at the Broad…

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…state and local bills pertaining to captive wildlife husbandry. In addition to the direct legislative work on behalf of the FCF, I wrote, filmed, and produced An In(Cat)venient Truth. This…

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