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…Conservation Federation Volume 52, Issue 2—March/April 2008 15 By Mike Friese The following real-life nightmare was experienced by Alise Tucker in November 2007. (These internet postings from Alise are reprinted…

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Several levels of membership include commercial, educational, facility, and individual. Facility Accreditation is also available. After touring the 250-acre Wild Ani- mal Safari on Sunday morning, several of us drove…

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…choice between human desire and animal pain, humans—who grant only themselves legal rights—almost always win. It is always easy to make a case that animal suffering is “necessary”, regardless of…

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…couple of years. I also see, with such a diverse cross sec- tion of members, from individual pet own- ers to career wildlife educators, zoological caregivers, animal trainers, and hobby…

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…current CWA member to sponsor you and CWA also requires a recent portfolio of your work. Raven sponsored me and I sent in several recent copies of the FCF Journal….

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…is for everyone to foster a per- sonal relationship with local officials and political repre- sentation at all levels. She shared several case studies involving animal owners who were the…

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…in order to cap- ture and obtain a meal. When the male serval attempted to chase the meatball, his abnormal movements allowed veterinari- ans to diagnose an abdominal hernia. Here,…

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…Complete Natural Nutrition brand along with other exceptional nutritional tools like Primal Cal, Rapid Rehab & Crisis Care. / 866-807-7335 ANIMAL FINDERS’ GUIDE Published the first of each month…

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… promoting the responsible ownership, management, and propagation of animals in both private and public domains Several levels of membership include commercial, educational, facility, and individual. Facility Accreditation is also…

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…end of the year Casey did eventually regain his state wildlife license, he had inadvertently let his federal USDA exhibitor license lapse. Without the federal license, the county officials revoked…

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