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…is their story. It is a political horror story. We have many more and much better stories. Stories that do not appeal to ignorance, hysteria, or morbidity… love stories. Experienced…

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run of the March/April newsletter mailing using two taped tabs to close it, and eliminate the enve- lope. The back one third of the newsletter will be devoted to a…

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…in person and online. In person, she greeted everyone with happy grunts, lots of body rubs, and she gave fantastic back rubs with her front paws (the highest honor she…

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…is Alvaro Garcia Olaechea, who is camera-tracking wild cats in Peru. Anya Barashkova is studying the Pallas’s cat in Russia. Tashi Dhendup is working in Bhutan, to document small wild…

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…I did was run to the ocean and put my toes in the water! I love the ocean and will always need to live near it, and sticking my toes…

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…facts. Here is some more disturbing news on that front. One of the latest news articles has brought out the fact that PETA is attempt- ing to use OSHA in…

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…Amy Flory Editor, FCF Young Feline Ambassador Newsletter The FCF Young Feline Ambassador Newsletter is the bi-monthly electronic newsletter produced by the Education Committee for kids and teens. We are…

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Online election service: Moved by Robert Bean, seconded by Chris Tromborg, that the FCF BOD use the online election ser- vice, “Election Runner” (https://election-, to manage and count the…

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…that using a live– stock guarding dog is valuable. I have a dog that has been my shepherd and I don’t lose livestock to carnivores like cheetahs and jackals anymore….

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…as the mar- tyr type, those that live in the past, domineering mothers, and worka- holics, to those who truly live lives of “quiet desperation.” They often cause a profound…

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